Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Petunia the Prizefighter

You're never too young to begin a regular routine of endurance, strength and agility training. Just ask Teddy Roosevelt. We put Petunia right to work-- she's mastered climbing to the top of the cat scratcher, the kitty castle, the window sill and most of the bookcases, interspersing these amazing feats with sprints from one obstacle to another, attacking anything that comes between her and her target. Yesterday's mountain is today's molehill, and she'll soon outgrow the small room that is her current universe.

Petunia's training hard because there are many foes that need vanquishing. Petunia's top foes include: pillows, buttons, toy mice, toes, fingertips, and, inexplicably, my stomach. They shall be conquered! Bully!*

see that glow? that's the mark of a champion.

*Disclaimer: my knowledge of Teddy Roosevelt's speech idiosyncrasies comes from Arsenic and Old Lace and consequently may not be accurate.

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