Actually, they're perfectly safe, but at the very least no one is left unannoyed.

himself into the smallest carrier we have, but someone interrupted.

it had devolved into lazy fighting.

no one is willing to forfeit the couch by doing some impromptu bathing

If you can believe it given the length of this post, we actually have more pictures of Petunia snuggling than of her attacking everyone and everything. This is purely a documentary representation error, though; it's much easier in this dark house to get some good shots of cats snuggling than of a flying whiz of gray fur making constant surprise offensives. The guys are slowly figuring out how to handle these blitzes. At first they were completely befuddled. Roscoe despises anything that resembles roughhousing, and furthermore, fighting back only seemed to encourage her. Pete likes a good fight as much as anyone, but seemed wary of hitting the 3 pound fluff ball. It seemed, no doubt, like behavior he might get scolded for. For a while he was so confused about the new house rules regarding fights that he started to beat up Roscoe, attempting to play with him, which infuriated Roscoe to no end, as he thought he'd established his feelings about this sort of thing a long time ago. But now Petunia only ambushes Roscoe cautiously and infrequently, and she and Pete have a play routine mostly worked out. Pete's working on getting Petunia to understand that sometimes when one cuddles, it's preferable to give each other baths than bite your co-cuddler's head. One of these days...