The newest member of the family: Petunia!
Petunia was found when she was just a few weeks old on the side of the road by two lovely ladies who rescued her. She had abrasions on her face and was missing a tooth-- they believe she was dumped. We heard about her via an email Matt received at work. Since her Godmommies were already at pet capacity in their home, we were fortunate enough to be able to adopt her.
She came home with us yesterday evening. She wouldn't have anything to do with us last night, and we didn't force the issue, but by this morning she was ready to play and even snuggle on our laps for a quick nap. She's been using her litter box, ate a ton of food and has been playing with her toys. For the time being she's separated from her new brothers Pete and Roscoe so they can all slowly adjust to the idea of having a new family member. There has been much sniffing and sticking of paws under doorways.
She's a total sweetheart, and we're lucky to have her!

the windows aren't very high) and into her water bowl,
but shrugged it off and ran to attack her scratching post
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