This is Roscoe. He is my sweetheart. He enjoys being fawned over, going outside, sitting in the sun and bitching to be let outside. He might enjoy the bitching more than the going outside bit. His favorite time of day is bedtime, because bedtime is when the night-long snorgle called "sleeping" commences. When someone leaves the house, he walks around and screams for a while to let everyone know how displeased he is. His capacity for love is only rivaled by his vindictiveness. But if everyone's home and he's not jonesing to go out or otherwise irritated (by, for instance, a new cat), you might mistake him for an extremely loveable, well-adjusted cat who's very attached to his mom.

This is Pete. He is my other sweetheart (I have lots of them, last count, I had 4, in fact). He's our "good" cat, that is, he's doesn't go out of his way to spite us when he's upset. Sure, he'll step on your throat when you're sleeping if he's hungry, because he's found this to be a surprisingly effective way to wake someone up, but he's starving and we sleep so late into the morning. Sometimes it's 7 am before we get up and feed him. Pete's favorite time of day is the morning, because all of his favorite things happen then. Those things are:
1) Eating breakfast
2) Going outside after breakfast
3) Getting treats for coming inside
4) Getting a rubdown
Pete could do those four things on repeat all day, but then he'd get very fat, fatter than he already is. He needs annoyingly little sleep for a cat.
Pete and Roscoe are almost nine years old, and they sit a lot. Lots and lots of sitting and sleeping, as cats are wont to do. Hopefully once Petunia is integrated into the family, she'll get them up and moving. Pete needs to lose about 2 pounds, which is, coincidentally, about how much Petunia weighs right now.
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